Hempcrete Panels, Blocks, Tiles, Spray & Composites
Consider hemp building materials for your next project, Doylestown Hemp Company and our products can be utilized in new construction, retrofits, and renovations. Hemp is the building material of the future, it’s a high performing natural material that is highly sustainable. Contact us today for what Hemp can do on your next project.

Panel Size: 24" x 48" x 2"
Weight 26 lbs.
General Definition of the DHC Hemp Panel
The hemp panels designed by DHC is an interior hemp building board that consists of 40% hemp hurd and minerals. The hemp hurd ranges from 1/16” to 1”. The product is molded, pressed and cured in open air.
DHC Hemp Panels are for interior uses, cladding, partition walls and ceiling surfaces. The panels can provide fire protection, sound insulation and moisture regulation.
Using DHC Hemp Panels
DHC’s Hemp Panels can be attached to existing walls/ceilings by glueing or screwing into studs. The panels are laid in a bond (as pictured below). When screwing to studs it’s suggested to use 9 attachment points on walls and 12 for ceilings. The screws should be flush, corners and edges should be pre-drilled. After the wall/or ceiling are fully assembled with the hemp panels place strips of fiberglass mesh tape on the joints and apply a thin layer of fine plaster mortar. Now a thin layer, 1/8” of fine plaster can be applied over the entire surface of the hemp boards. Hemp panels can be cut with a hand saw, circular saw or band saw.
Available Block Sizes
24 x 12 x 4” 13 lbs.
24 x 12 x 6” 19 lbs
24 x 12 x 8” 26 lbs.
24 x 12 x 12” 36 lbs.
General Definition of the DHC Hemp Block
The DHC Hemp block designed by DHC is a free-standing masonry block that doesn’t fulfill any structural roles. The composition is a mixture of hemp hurd ranging from 1/16” to 1”. The mix ratio comprises a minimum 40% hemp hurd and minerals. The product is molded, pressed and cured in open air.
Hempcrete blocks can be used to form the building envelope or as a filling between frames or to construct partition walls. Exterior insulation, interior insulation, floor insulation and interior masonry. Needs to be protected from the weather.
Using Hempcrete Blocks
When using DHC’s Hempcrete blocks bedding mortar is used for bonding the blocks together. The composition of the mortar is bonding plaster, lime and sand. Hempcrete blocks need to be placed away from any risk of rising damp. If there is risk, the initial blocks need to be placed on a waterproof membrane that elevates it to 3/4-1” a long the length of the Hempcrete Block. If there is not a risk of rising damp the Hempcrete block can be bedded on a concrete slab or affixed to a wooden/OSB floor with an adhesive construction foam. The hempcrete blocks are bonded with an 1/8” of the bonding mortar. The mortar can applied using a bonding comb, notched or plain trowel or any tool that the mortar can be applied quickly and efficiently to the block
Hempcrete Block Wall
DHC batches and sprays Hempcrete on-site or offsite into molds or formwork that forms the walls, floors or roof. The hempcrete is made from hemp hurds, lime binder and water. The mix composition is approx. 60% hurd and 40% lime binder once the material has cured.
The sprayed hempcrete can be used as a complete building envelope on new construction or remodels. It can be used to form walls, floors and roofs.
COMING SOON.........
Hemp Lignum Board NO. 1
Composition: Hemp Hurd + Natural Bio-Based Glue
DHempCrete Board NO. 1
Composition: Hemp Hurd, Hemp Powder, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Sulfate
Uses: Acoustic panels, insulation Panels, ceiling tiles, external insulation, floor insulation,interior masonry
DHempcrete Board NO. 2
Composition: Hemp Hurd, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Sulfate
Uses: Acoustic panels, insulation Panels, ceiling tiles, external insulation, floor insulation, interior masonry
Hemp Lignum Board NO. 2
Composition: Hurd Powder, Natural Bio-Based Glue
Uses: Acoustic panels, insulation panels, ceiling tile, indoor paneling, flooring, furniture, cabinets, frames